Saturday, November 26, 2011

Left Overs.... What to do??


The guest have all left!  The dishes are all clean and put away!  Now, what do you do with all the left overs?  If you didn't give any to your family and friends food to take home, you will have plenty of left overs.  You can make the typical turkey sandwiches, turkey salad, turkey casserole, potato pancakes, ham salad, ham and bean soup, etc.  I am planning on making a nice big pot of "Turkey Soup" saving some and giving some away.  Who can turn down free soup?

I like to start with sauteing some vegetables, whatever you have in the house will work.  Onions, carrots, celery, zucchini, etc.  I pull off any turkey that I can from the carcass (bones), then take the carcass put it in a big pot cover it with water and simmer it to make stock for your soup.  This will guarantee your soup is full of flavor and enjoyed by everyone.  Once your vegetables are sauteed and your stock is ready combine the two.  If you want to add starch to this soup you can add potatoes, pasta or beans.  Sometimes I like to put in the left over gravy and green beans as well no use leaving it to go to waste.  Just try and be creative with what you have left for leftovers and you will be surprised what you end up with.  I would suggest leaving out anything sweet or that has bread in it. 

LEFTOVER TURKEY SOUP:(whats in my pot?)

diced onions, celery, carrots
turkey (of course)
stock made from turkey carcass
green beans
corn (cans left over in pantry)
left over gravy (if I can get it before the kids)
white beans or potatoes
What do you make from your leftovers?

Look for future leftover recipes and ideas.....................


Thursday, November 24, 2011



I hope you all are enjoying this day with people whom you are thankful for.   All of those that I am thankful for can't be with me today, but they are with me in my heart and prayers.  So enjoy your family and friends and remember those whom you can't be with today.  Eat a little extra turkey for them and don't forget the gravy.   

When many people make gravy they start with a "roux".  Roux is a french term for a thickening agent.  When people make a roux they use some kind of fat and flour in a pan cooking it just long enough, couple minutes and then adding the liquid to this while stirring.  This is a great way to make gravy.  I on the other hand make gravy the way my mom made gravy for years.   It has  always works great!  I mix together a cold liquid and flour. I use either water or broth not to much is needed, just enough to make it thick like pancake batter.  For the main part of the gravy I use the liquid off of my freshly baked turkey.  Pour the liquid into another pan or make it in the pan you have the turkey in, after removing the turkey of course.   Get the liquid to a steady boil.  This requires you to use both hands.  So if you can't pat your head and rub your belly at the same time you may need to get some help.  While the broth is boiling, with a whisk stir the broth and with your other hand slowly pour in your flour mix.  Only use enough to get it to the consistency you like your gravy to be.  If you pour to fast or stir to slow you will create lumps so keep it stirring and pour slowly.  

I hope your gravy is lump free and your turkey is moist.  I have to get back to my dinner!  Enjoy your day!!


Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Tomorrow's The Big Day..


Tomorrow is the big day!! I hope you are ready.  I am putting the final prepartions on my home and on my menu.  Today I will pare all the potatoes, make the macaroni and cheese, brine my turkey, and snip the fresh green beans.  If there is anything that you can make or prepare today to make tomorrow a smooth day should be done today.

Cut the potatoes into chunks. Coat them with vanilla, melted butter, cinnamon (not to much), and salt.  Peel and core your fresh pineapple and cut into chunks about the size of the pineapple or a little smaller but not to much or they will burn.  Toss with the potatoes.  Roast all of your ingredients in a back dish until the potatoes are done.  They should have some brown coloring on them.  Stir every 5-10 minutes so your potatoes should be coated with the brown sugar glaze.  These are delicious I hope you enjoy! 


Monday, November 21, 2011

3 Days and Counting...


Well there are 3 short days and counting, left to be prepared for the big "Family and Friend Feast".  This is the time to start organizing what you are going to create for this special day.  If you have a frozen turkey it needs to be out of the freezer and into the refrigerator.  The worse thing to happen come Thanksgiving morning is to have a rock hard frozen turkey still. "NOT GOOD!!" Go over everything you are making by making a list of the ingredients needed.  If there is something missing from your pantry on your list, this is the time to go to the grocery store.  You don't want to wait until Thanksgiving morning to run to the store and find a crowd or even that they are out of stock.  This would make a very hectic and nerve racking Thanksgiving Day! 

When I was a little girl we would always visit our Aunt Mazie for all special holiday dinners.  She was a great cook. So, I think it must run in the family genes.  Some members of the family I will admit does not have this gene.  Don't tell them I said that, because they all think they are geniuses in the kitchen. 

Whenever I would go to Aunt Mazie's home I was always excited to eat a corn dish that she called "Corn Pudding".  It was so delicious I always had seconds.  Aunt Mazie died years ago and I never had the opportunity to ask her about her recipe.  Once I started my own family and started creating "Family and Friend Feast" for myself I wanted to bring a little of my childhood into my kids childhood and make "Corn Pudding".

I searched the internet and found one that came close to what I wanted but after following the recipe exactly as it was written I realized there could be some changes to make it better.  Here is what I came up with.  I hope you enjoy it, but change it if you would like to make it to your liking.

1 can of whole corn (drained)
1 can of cream of corn
1/2 cup of flour or cornmeal
1/2 stick of butter or margarine
2 large eggs beaten
1 cup of milk (your choice)
1/4 cup of sugar
salt and pepper
Drain your whole corn and mix with the cream of corn.  Add your 2 beaten eggs, milk,  and melted butter.  After you have mixed those ingredients add the  sugar, flour, s & p.   Bake in a 350F degree oven for about 30-40 minutes.  The center should be set, meaning it does not jiggle when you shake it and if you touched it its not as wet as when you poured it in.  I baked this in a 9 inch ceramic pie plate, rubbed with butter, so I could serve it straight to the table just like this.  I hope you enjoy!!!!!