Saturday, December 24, 2011

Happy Holidays....



Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Dinner Dinner Dinner......

Only 4 days left before you are making another family feast.  I have been quite busy making feast for many people in my area at my job.  This is the time of year for "Parties"!! To bad I am to tired to attend any of them!   Haven't even had the time or energy to really think about what would be a good menu for my own family... Not good I know!!

Many family I know usually have the same menu for Christmas that they serve for Thanksgiving.   This year at my job I am creating meals for many local families that are having the following: Roasted Beef Tenderloin with Shallot Sauce, Pecan Crusted Salmon, Roasted Mix Vegetables, Asparagus, Mashed Roasted Sweet Potatoes, Sauteed Spinach with Pinenuts, and Wild Rice with Dried Cranberries and Pecans.  There are also those that have chosen the a more traditional meal with the Turkey and Ham, Herb Stuffing, Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans, etc.  I would do a non traditional meal personally.  What are you doing for your Christmas Meal???

Let me know what you plan on creating for your family.


Monday, December 19, 2011

That Time Of Year...


Well it is that time of year everyone.  You know exactly what I am talking about.  Gift giving time!! What do you give someone that has everything?  Do you really have to go out and buy someone who has more money than you something from the local shops?  I don't think so......  This year I of course went crazy on my kids, but really what parent doesn't.  This year I have decided instead of giving their father a present of goods.  I will be giving him a present of goodies! 

I have been making and freezing some of my creations for him and the kids when he has them.  Just between you and I he is not a very good cook and spends to much of his time and money at the local carry outs.  So this year he is getting "FOOD"!! Since he doesn't frequent my blog he will still be surprised.  I think I will do this gift giving idea again in the future.   I wish I had visited and  purchased some personal labels to make these gifts even more special.  I want to order some labels that say "From The Kitchen of Mo" or maybe even "Mo's Creations Enjoy"!!   I guess the ideas are endless really.  One thing I really like about Vistaprint is that the prices are really reasonable and anyone can afford them.   To anyone else who wants to use this idea I just noticed that they could rush deliver in "3 Days".

There are some really creative ideas for gifts besides the personal labels for my "Kitchen Creations" on there site.  I think this year I may order some personalized items for my in-laws with the kids in mind.  I will stop right there with that idea because she does read my blog.  So no hints are to be given out on that one she will just have to wait and see.  I do know if I ever go into business again I know where I am getting my business cards.

Click on the picture and so what other gift ideas they have available. For your Gift Giving Ideas


Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Another Holiday Is Coming....


Another holiday is right around the corner.  It's either a "YIPPEE!!" or a "OH NO!!".  I am sort of in the middle with an "ALREADY!!".  This time of the year is different for many people.  Some are celebrating Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanza, and some nothing at all.  For years I didn't celebrate anything at all because of childhood religion.  Today with 3 little ones of my own we celebrate Christmas, because of an ex-husband.

"Cheese with Fresh Fruit"
Many people have parties and celebrate with family and friends before the actual "BIG" day.  So if you are going to a party and plan on bringing something  what do you bring?  You can bring a platter of cookies, fruitcake, etc.  How about making your own trays of appetizers?

Creating appetizer trays are great if you are the one doing the hosting as well.  These things are easy to prepare and does not require you to go to a business and buy it for a ridiculous price.  Did I just cut down on my work load at my job, by telling people do not come to me?  I doubt it because no matter what, there will always be those people who can afford it who would rather have someone else do the work for them.  I am just fortunate enough to be able to do it for myself.  Its a good thing because I can not afford to pay someone else to do it.  

Monday, December 12, 2011

Not Just For Veggie Trays...

Okay everyone just because it is a vegetable it doesn't mean that it has to go onto a vegetable tray to dip into ranch dressing.  I am talking about that lovely vegetable "Broccoli"!! Mind you the only way my son or actually both of my sons will eat the trees is to have ranch dressing, but that is besides the point.  There are other ways to eat "Broccoli".  You can make a broccoli almondine, which is only broccoli and toasted sliced almonds.  A broccoli Parmesan, which is broccoli, diced red onion and grated Parmesan cheese.  The ideas are endless.

Well I needed a broccoli dish recently at work and as usual I am my most creative when I am in a bind needing something quick and in a hurry!  Could have made the "Broccoli Almondine or Broccoli Parmesan", but unfortunately I just did both the day before so it was out of the question.  What to do, what to do????   So I opened the refrigerator took a look around and BINGO!!!  
"My Greek Broccoli Salad"

I found the following already ready for me: sliced kalamata olives, sliced red onion, sliced sun-dried tomatoes, and crumbled feta cheese.  To this I tossed in olive oil, garlic, salt and pepper.   I personally thought it looked nice and I was surprised how nice it tasted.  The customers must of liked it too, because it sold quickly.  This is a do again for sure.   So the next time you have some blanched broccoli or "lil trees", as my kids call them, look in your refrigerator and skip the ranch dressing and and be creative.  You may be surprised, I was!!!



Thursday, December 8, 2011

Cutting Pineapple

Just wanted to let you all know that I finally uploaded another how to video.  This video will help with the last post "Roasted Glazed Sweet Potatoes with Pineapple".  Take a minute and check out my how-to page and see how I like to get to the golden sweet flesh of a prickly pineapple.


Wednesday, December 7, 2011

To Steam or To Blanche....


You remember when you were growing up and your mom told you to "Eat your VEGGIES", and you made that face because they were green but not a bright green but a army green.  I do remember those years the green beans were cooked up and the broccoli was falling apart.  "Sorry Mom!!"  Today when I tell my kids to "Eat your VEGGIES", they make that face I made but the green vegetables are bright green and not mushy.  
"Green Beans with Roasted Red and Yellow Peppers"

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Second Go Around...


I know it has been a while since I last posted, but don't worry I have been creating and actually jotting down the ingredients on most of my newest creations.
Today I thought I would revisit an item from my Thanksgiving menu which was the "Roasted Glazed Sweet Potatoes with Pineapples".  Why, you may ask?? Well I made them again and they were so good that I actually remembered to take a photo of them and wanted to share them with you guys just in case you wanted to make them for "Christmas".  They would go great with a nice roasted "Spiral Ham".  YUMMY, my mouth is watering already for it.
"Roasted Glazed Sweet Potatoes with Pineapples"

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Roasted Vegetables

"Roasted Lemon and Rosemary Parsnips and Carrots"
I don't know many people who actually like to eat parsnips or even carrots and I am one of those people.  One day out of the blew something told me to make "Carrots and Parsnips" for sale at my job.  Along with the voice of information I also heard "Lemon and Rosemary".  No I don't really hear voices in my head no matter what my dear friends and family may tell everyone, but I do get a desire or feeling that says, "That would be a good combination".  So I listened to my feeling and I was so right.  I personally do not like parsnips only, but together with these spices I really like the combination.  Peel carrots and parsnips, I really do not like to leave the skin on my carrots because it always look dirty even after you wash them.  I like to cut them on alternating angles to make the vegetables look nice.  To the vegetables add  chopped fresh rosemary, dry rosemary will not work here because it is to hard and won't have an opportunity to get soft in the roasting process.  Also add lemon zest and the juice of those lemons, zest is the skin of the lemon but only the yellow portion not the white stuff.  I like to use a small grater or zester.  Try to be verIy careful when you squeeze the lemons for the juice because lemons tend to have a lot of seeds and no one want to enjoy a dish and eat seeds.  I also add olive oil, salt and coarse black pepper.  Put all the vegetables on a baking dish and roast on a low temperature of 350 degrees.


I hope you all enjoy it.  I think this would be a great side dish to pork loin or even roasted chicken.  Maybe even add some red skin potatoes to the mix and you have a new dish.  Let me know how it works for you.


Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Chilly Outside and Chili Inside


I don't know what the weather is like where you are, but here it is pouring buckets of rain.  The temperature has dropped and I am thinking about something to stick to my ribs.  Something that doesn't require many ingredients and taste oh so good.  My friend Judy has been asking me for a while for a post about chili and this one is for her.  The weather is screaming for it......

"Beef Chili"

I love, love, love, "CHILI".  You can make chili with different types of meat and with or without beans.  Like most things that I create its a personal preference.  I prefer to use ground turkey when I make chili here at home, but have also made it with ground beef, stew beef, or chicken.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Left Overs.... What to do??


The guest have all left!  The dishes are all clean and put away!  Now, what do you do with all the left overs?  If you didn't give any to your family and friends food to take home, you will have plenty of left overs.  You can make the typical turkey sandwiches, turkey salad, turkey casserole, potato pancakes, ham salad, ham and bean soup, etc.  I am planning on making a nice big pot of "Turkey Soup" saving some and giving some away.  Who can turn down free soup?

I like to start with sauteing some vegetables, whatever you have in the house will work.  Onions, carrots, celery, zucchini, etc.  I pull off any turkey that I can from the carcass (bones), then take the carcass put it in a big pot cover it with water and simmer it to make stock for your soup.  This will guarantee your soup is full of flavor and enjoyed by everyone.  Once your vegetables are sauteed and your stock is ready combine the two.  If you want to add starch to this soup you can add potatoes, pasta or beans.  Sometimes I like to put in the left over gravy and green beans as well no use leaving it to go to waste.  Just try and be creative with what you have left for leftovers and you will be surprised what you end up with.  I would suggest leaving out anything sweet or that has bread in it. 

LEFTOVER TURKEY SOUP:(whats in my pot?)

diced onions, celery, carrots
turkey (of course)
stock made from turkey carcass
green beans
corn (cans left over in pantry)
left over gravy (if I can get it before the kids)
white beans or potatoes
What do you make from your leftovers?

Look for future leftover recipes and ideas.....................


Thursday, November 24, 2011



I hope you all are enjoying this day with people whom you are thankful for.   All of those that I am thankful for can't be with me today, but they are with me in my heart and prayers.  So enjoy your family and friends and remember those whom you can't be with today.  Eat a little extra turkey for them and don't forget the gravy.   

When many people make gravy they start with a "roux".  Roux is a french term for a thickening agent.  When people make a roux they use some kind of fat and flour in a pan cooking it just long enough, couple minutes and then adding the liquid to this while stirring.  This is a great way to make gravy.  I on the other hand make gravy the way my mom made gravy for years.   It has  always works great!  I mix together a cold liquid and flour. I use either water or broth not to much is needed, just enough to make it thick like pancake batter.  For the main part of the gravy I use the liquid off of my freshly baked turkey.  Pour the liquid into another pan or make it in the pan you have the turkey in, after removing the turkey of course.   Get the liquid to a steady boil.  This requires you to use both hands.  So if you can't pat your head and rub your belly at the same time you may need to get some help.  While the broth is boiling, with a whisk stir the broth and with your other hand slowly pour in your flour mix.  Only use enough to get it to the consistency you like your gravy to be.  If you pour to fast or stir to slow you will create lumps so keep it stirring and pour slowly.  

I hope your gravy is lump free and your turkey is moist.  I have to get back to my dinner!  Enjoy your day!!


Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Tomorrow's The Big Day..


Tomorrow is the big day!! I hope you are ready.  I am putting the final prepartions on my home and on my menu.  Today I will pare all the potatoes, make the macaroni and cheese, brine my turkey, and snip the fresh green beans.  If there is anything that you can make or prepare today to make tomorrow a smooth day should be done today.

Cut the potatoes into chunks. Coat them with vanilla, melted butter, cinnamon (not to much), and salt.  Peel and core your fresh pineapple and cut into chunks about the size of the pineapple or a little smaller but not to much or they will burn.  Toss with the potatoes.  Roast all of your ingredients in a back dish until the potatoes are done.  They should have some brown coloring on them.  Stir every 5-10 minutes so your potatoes should be coated with the brown sugar glaze.  These are delicious I hope you enjoy! 


Monday, November 21, 2011

3 Days and Counting...


Well there are 3 short days and counting, left to be prepared for the big "Family and Friend Feast".  This is the time to start organizing what you are going to create for this special day.  If you have a frozen turkey it needs to be out of the freezer and into the refrigerator.  The worse thing to happen come Thanksgiving morning is to have a rock hard frozen turkey still. "NOT GOOD!!" Go over everything you are making by making a list of the ingredients needed.  If there is something missing from your pantry on your list, this is the time to go to the grocery store.  You don't want to wait until Thanksgiving morning to run to the store and find a crowd or even that they are out of stock.  This would make a very hectic and nerve racking Thanksgiving Day! 

When I was a little girl we would always visit our Aunt Mazie for all special holiday dinners.  She was a great cook. So, I think it must run in the family genes.  Some members of the family I will admit does not have this gene.  Don't tell them I said that, because they all think they are geniuses in the kitchen. 

Whenever I would go to Aunt Mazie's home I was always excited to eat a corn dish that she called "Corn Pudding".  It was so delicious I always had seconds.  Aunt Mazie died years ago and I never had the opportunity to ask her about her recipe.  Once I started my own family and started creating "Family and Friend Feast" for myself I wanted to bring a little of my childhood into my kids childhood and make "Corn Pudding".

I searched the internet and found one that came close to what I wanted but after following the recipe exactly as it was written I realized there could be some changes to make it better.  Here is what I came up with.  I hope you enjoy it, but change it if you would like to make it to your liking.

1 can of whole corn (drained)
1 can of cream of corn
1/2 cup of flour or cornmeal
1/2 stick of butter or margarine
2 large eggs beaten
1 cup of milk (your choice)
1/4 cup of sugar
salt and pepper
Drain your whole corn and mix with the cream of corn.  Add your 2 beaten eggs, milk,  and melted butter.  After you have mixed those ingredients add the  sugar, flour, s & p.   Bake in a 350F degree oven for about 30-40 minutes.  The center should be set, meaning it does not jiggle when you shake it and if you touched it its not as wet as when you poured it in.  I baked this in a 9 inch ceramic pie plate, rubbed with butter, so I could serve it straight to the table just like this.  I hope you enjoy!!!!!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Load Up The Cart..


Well I went shopping this morning, for the Family and Friend Feast.  There were so many sales and so many choices.  Which turkey to buy??? Which ham to purchase???  How many pounds of this or that? Wow, does that really cost that much?  I was happy that I made some good choices!   It required me to go to two different stores, which was across the street from each other so no need to tell me I spent more on the gas to get the deals.  So my advice is to choose wisely and shop around before you spend more than you need to.  Good job on finding great deals to feed your Family and Friends!!


Thursday, November 17, 2011

Whats On The Menu Mo??


My sister has been asking and I have finally decided what I will be creating for the "Family and Friend Feast".  It has been a long and tedious decision but I am ready to commit to my decision. (smile) Sometimes I crack myself up.  Everyone will be eating the following:

Dinner Rolls
Cranberry Sauce
Green Beans and Shallots
Green Bean Casserole ????
Glazed Carrots
Mashed Potatoes
Roasted Glazed Sweet Potatoes w/ Pineapples
Corn Pudding
Mac & Cheese
Sausage Stuffing
(GB Casserole is only if 1 special guest comes)

I realize you don't see any desserts listed but I have been given a reprieve on that one.  My friend is making dessert and I can't wait.  I am secretly hoping she is making a very special cake that she made for a previous gathering in my home.  Maybe just maybe she will read this and know that I have my fingers crossed for that cake.  If anyone has the time feel free to share what you are preparing for your "Family and Friend Feast".


Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Roasted Potatoes


Sometimes when I am at work I want to come up with something NEW!!  This happened last night.  I needed a potato dish and it came to me.  I have no name for my newest creation, but they turned out better than I thought.  First I like to use red skinned potatoes whenever I want a roasted potato dish, but any potato will roast. 

It is always best to clean and cut your potatoes.  Nothing is worse than eating something that looks so delicious to get an unexpected "CRUNCH"....... dirt.  "YUCK!!"  So if you don't feel like cleaning your potatoes I would recommending stopping right now and go to a pasta link or even ordering out. 
Well it looks like you are willing to take the proper steps in preparing this dish so lets begin:
"Clean and dried potatoes"

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Pumpkin Soup?

Okay I was a little worried when someone last night requested "pumpkin soup", but I was up for the challenge.  I always knew people made pumpkin soup, but I must admit I have always thought "YUCK, Pumpkin pie yes, Soup NEVER!!!".  I sadly was wrong.  Okay I don't admit that often so make a mental note of it.   Pumpkin soup is perfect for this time of year.  Your guest would think you spent all day cooking it not realizing it can be made with canned pumpkin. 
"Ginger Pumpkin Soup"

Monday, November 14, 2011

Prepare Prepare..


We are getting closer and closer to the family feast. "YIPPEE!!!"  My only suggestion to make this day doable with as little stress as possible is to "PREPARE".  This week would a great time to start your preparations.  Decide how many family and friends you are allowing to dine on your feast.  The more the better I always say!!  So once the list of dinner companions are decided, now it would be a great idea to start preparing the home.  Clean anything you won't feel like cleaning next week because next week is food preparing time only.  If you use special platters and dishes for this day like I do, this is the week to get those things out and cleaned.  If you wash and wrap your platters and dinner plate stacks in plastic wrap,  they will remain dust free for next Thursday.   This week I am also making a list of all the foods I wish to make for our Thanksgiving meal.  While I am looking at the grocery store fliers for sales I am purchasing anything that is needed that is on sale, with the exception of fresh green vegetables.  Saving cash is always important to me, even when feeding many people.  You never have to break the bank when you want to feed your family.  

1. Make list of family and friends 
2. Start cleaning 
3. Clean and wrap dishes for the day
4. Buy anything on sale
5. Plan your meal on paper

Friday, November 11, 2011

A Day of Eating..


The biggest day of eating is almost here.  It is also the busiest day at my job.  We feed so many people that no one knows how we get it all done.  With a little organization, creativity, and hard work it all gets down.  We will probably make enough food to feed over 1,000 people.  If you haven't figured it out yet I am talking about Thanksgiving!!!  The only day of the year where what you have on the family table is very important.

What will you have on your table this year?  I am having Thanksgiving dinner at my home this year.  I have to admit I love cooking Thanksgiving dinner!  I receive a real satisfying pleasure out of everyone enjoying my food during this time of the year.  I personally never know exactly what I am going to prepare for dinner that day, so I ask my kids first what they would like to eat.  With very picky eaters I need to make sure there is something on the table that they all will eat.  So as of now we will have the stables: Turkey, ham, cranberry sauce, gravy, dinner rolls, macaroni and cheese, etc. As you can see they didn't mention a vegetable, I'm still working on them with that one.

My next few post will be some of the foods I am making and ways to help your meal go with less stress.  With photos to follow Thanksgiving Day!!

Have a great day and come back soon for some holiday ideas.


Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Make Room For Beans

"Mixed bean salad"
"Beans, Beans, the more we eat the more we      ?    "  Okay I am sure some are wondering, "The more we what?" I am not telling.   Beans are a great source of fiber and protein.  There are many types of beans that you can buy, fresh, canned, or dried.  Whenever I want to buff up a dish or make an inexpensive side dish I always go for beans.  The hardest part is picking which beans to buy: cannelloni, black beans, black-eye pea, kidney, navy, pinto, pink, red, re-fried beans, and many more.  Depending on what I am making usually decides what kind of bean I am using.  For chili using beef or ground turkey I like to use a black bean.  For a chicken soup or pulled chicken chili I like to use a navy bean.  For a salad I like mixing two different canned beans. 

Monday, November 7, 2011

Baby Its Cold Outside!!

Baby its cold outside and what's the one thing that would make you feel all warm and toasty?  You guessed it "SOUP"!! It's a great time to start making soup.  Nothing warms the insides better than a nice bowl of soup, stew, or chili.  Yesterday I made a hearty vegetable soup.  Which easily turned into a  "Hearty Chicken and Vegetable Soup".
"Hearty Vegetable Soup"
Most soups start with base ingredients of diced onions, carrots, and celery.  From here you can add on and make a delicious soup, either all vegetables or add a meat such as chicken, ham, or beef.  My "Hearty Vegetable Soup" is very easy to make and there can be many substitutions of ingredients.


Friday, November 4, 2011

I'm So Happy!!

I have really enjoyed creating this blog and I would like to thank everyone who has taken an interest.  I have noticed that I have a new follower and also people from different states have been visiting my site.  How exciting to see that people are taking an interest in what you are saying.  I am so happy!!  So thank you and be on the look out for my next recipe.  Have a great night!!!!


Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Pork The Other White Meat

Well another long night at work, but since it wasn't to busy I had an opportunity to be creative.  I started out with a very large piece of meat, "Pork Loin".  I don't know many people who cook with pork loin on a regular bases, but its a very nice piece of meat for large family meals.  A great choice for maybe even a Christmas meal to change up the typical turkey centerpiece.
(Ingredients list is at the end of this posting)
Looking at this large piece of meat last night and trying to change it up from the norm I had many ideas.  I first thought of cutting it into big pieces and stuffing it with ..... "What?" I had no idea and anymore thinking about it would of took to much of my time.  Ding, Ding, Ding!!!! My creative juices started to flow!  The grill was red hot and it came to me I will make grilled pork loin chops.  I cut the loin into about 20 pieces of maybe a 1/2 inch or so and marinated it with olive oil, salt, and coarse black pepper, and on to the grill I went.  This could have been done with a counter top electric grill or even in a frying pan.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!!

Happy Halloween!!! 
This is one of those holidays that I was never a fan of but never denied my children from participating if they wanted to.  Unfortunately for them they are all home sick and will not be going out in their great costumes that I made for them.  My oldest Malcolm, will be a scary man... found a face at the local dollar store and some spider webs with spiders on it.  He really didn't care what he was he just knew he had to be something to get the goodies.  Brandon my middle child, is going to be a devil child.  Found a mask for him at the dollar store, made a pitch fork out of hard cardboard, and he is going to wear black.  Now the littlest TREATER, Vanessa, she is going to be a cheetah.  Found some ears, tail and a bow-tie at Target.  Got a child size tee-shirt from the dollar store and we drew in some spots to give her the real cheetah experience.  I love the dollar store, if you can not figure that out already.  I even found face paint to draw in her whiskers.  She looked adorable when we had an earlier dress rehearsal.  Since they are not going out tonight, to torture the neighborhood, I have decided they would trick and treat here at home once everyone is feeling better.  They will dress up in all their attire and go to every door here in the house and collect their treats.  The things I do for my kids!!  So to all the other Mommies and Daddies out there taking their little ones out tonight be safe, check the candy, and don't stay out to late schools tomorrow!!!


Sunday, October 30, 2011

Add Some Sauce!!

In my previous posting I talked about pasta being an inexpensive ingredient to any family dinner.  For a side dish you can turn pasta into a salad with added vegetables.  For a main dish I prefer to add cooked vegetables, meat (poultry, seafood, or beef), and a great sauce (white or red). 
Not everyone knows how to create a homemade from scratch sauce whether its a white cream sauce or a red tomato sauce.  I like to suggest using store brought sauce.  Some of you may freak out and claim that your Great Grandmothers have all turned over in their graves for suggesting using a jarred sauce.  I on the other hand think any jarred sauce can be a GREAT sauce!  Now, do not think that I am suggesting using the sauce straight out of the jar and it will be great,  you have to be creative and add some of your own special flavors.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Calling For Pasta!!

The next time you are attending a party and need to make a contribution to the menu, may I suggest pasta.  Pasta is a perfect choice.  Its great especially if you are on a budget and looking to feed a big crowd.  Pasta shapes are so different these days that pasta can actually be an added conversation piece.   "Are those alphabet noodles, what cute little bowties, spiral noodles just like when I was a kid.." The conversation is endless!   A customer where I work requested a pasta salad with goat cheese and vegetables and  I created this dish with the following ingredients:


Thursday, October 27, 2011

Rain Rain Go Away!

Hello all that follow my words daily!  Today is rainy and grey.  It has not been a great day for creativity to flow from my head to my fingers.  I did not want to go into work without saying something so here you go.  Lately I have been reading that eating beans are great for your health and even to lose weight.  I have been working on getting my life and health together for some time and have decided to add a few more beans to the pot.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Working At Night!

I am sure I never told everyone that I actually work in the middle of the night in a gourmet to go and catering shop.  I work in the middle of the night so I can be at home with my little girl who unfortunately is to young to attend public school.    Myself along with 3 1/2 other people are responsible for getting out a lot of meals that serve most of Annapolis,MD and areas outside of Annapolis.  I am actually the supervisor of my mom, two friends and the half person just happens to be my sister (she does not work daily).  Working at night is hard because of lack of sleep but it is also a blast.  The rest of the employees in the bakery and catering departments are not there and we have the run of the place. WooHoo!!! You would be surprised how much fun we have and how much food our little group of ladies can put out.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Two Dishes From One!!

Hello again,
You ever have so much of something that you couldn't possibly eat it all or create a big enough dish of one recipe with it?   Well with the same chicken that was given to me because someone else cut to much of it and marinated it, I created another dish.  Using the same chicken from the previous recipe you can make this dish also.


When ever I create a dish for work or for my family I try to multitask so everything is finished at the same time.  With this dish if you are cooking it from scratch and not like me with the chicken already cut and marinated for me, I would suggest marinating your chicken first and foremost.  The longer it is marinated the more flavor you will have in the chicken breast.  While the chicken is marinating start cutting your vegetables.  The peppers should be cut into large strips as well as the onions.  The carrots should be peeled and cut on an angle because it looks nice and it will cook faster.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Extra Chicken What To Do With It??

Hello, I am back and I have a recipe that I created using some extra chicken that was marinated by someone at my job but they marinated way to much of it.  I created two dishes from this chicken.  The following list is the ingredients I used to create this dish and following my list is my step by step instructions on how I created it.


First the chicken it self was marinated in: lime juice, soy sauce, fresh ginger, fresh jalapenos if you have them, canola oil, onion, s&p (salt and pepper).  All ingredients are put into a food processor until the onions are chopped completely.  Add this to fresh chicken breast which are cut into strips or how ever you would like to eat it.  After your chicken has been marinated for sometime put the chicken on a baking sheet or pan and cook it for about 10-15 minutes depending on how large your pieces are.  A good rule of thumb for checking if your chicken breast is done is using a thermometer chicken is done at its thickest part when it reaches 165 degrees or higher.  If you do not have a thermometer you can check for firmness of the chicken if it is not firm it is not done.  While your chicken is cooking you can prepare your other ingredients.

Getting Started

Well today is the first day I am posting to my blog. I had the idea come to me a few weeks ago to put what I love to do into a blog. Almost everyday I go into work and have to create something from the seat of my pants. Everyone that I work with tells me all the time, "Write it down", "What if someone orders it?", "Do you remember how you made it?". Like usual I don't listen I think I'll remember it, no one will order it, etc. And on rare occasions I too can be wrong, someone orders it and I have to recreate it and usually it ends up into a whole new recipe. Here you will find some of my ideas and creations. The only thing is I am one of those cooks who cooks "The Way Mom Makes It", a pinch of this a pinch of that, etc.